Infection Prevention and Control in the Workplace

Name of Course

Infection Prevention and Control in the Workplace

Course Aim

Those attending this course will understand common infections, the importance of correct hand washing procedures for infection prevention and control, the principles of personal protective equipment, waste management procedures and the associated risk and roles and responsibilities in preventing infection.

Target Audience

This course is aimed at anyone working in any industry needing to develop their underpinning knowledge of how to prevent and control the spread of infection in their workplace. Ideal for those workers who are in close contact with other workers, visitors or anyone who may be on the premises.

Course Objectives

The objective of this course is to support a role in the workplace and is aimed at anyone working in any industry needing to develop their understanding and knowledge of how to prevent and control the spread of infection in their workplace.

Course Overview

  •     Hazards and risks from infections
  •     The control infections
  •     Principles and practice of safe working
  •     The importance of correct handwashing procedures
  •     Waste management and associated risks
  •     Developing a positive infection prevention culture

Format of Delivery




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